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KFUM Kristianstad Basketbollförening

World Basketball Day, 21 December
PHOTO: UN Photo/Shareef Sarhan

In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, sport is recognized as an important enabler of sustainable development. Sports, the arts and physical activity have the power to change perceptions, prejudices and behaviours, as well as to inspire people, break down racial and political barriers, combat discrimination and defuse conflict.

Basketball impacts global spheres of commerce, peace and diplomacy, and creates a unique space of cooperation, physical movement and an interdependence that allows participants to see each other as human beings first and foremost.

Like many other sports, basketball transcends borders, cultures, and languages. It serves as a unifying force where people from different backgrounds can come together, bond and communicate with each other, creating connections and breaking down barriers, and thereby contributing to peace.

Läs mer om World BasketBall Day här! 


Texten är lånad från www.un.org



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